Morning Announcements

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,

Today is Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020

Announcements for today include:

***Today is a B Day

***Happy Birthday to Connor 

***Lunch is: a Sub Sandwich

***Breakfast for Thursday is: Cherry Vanilla Yogurt w/cheese stick 


***Juniors:  starting in October, Mrs. Hoffman will be pulling you from study halls to work on your ACP slideshows, so please find it and start working on your information from your 9th and 10th grade year.  

***Congratulations to the Lady Wildcats High School Volleyball 
     on their victory last night against Marion in 3 sets. 

***Seniors: reminder that your class suggestions for class motto and flower are due this Thursday (tomorrow) by the end of the day to Google Classroom.  Thank you.   

***Friendly Reminder to STUDENTS Don't forget to use the crosswalk 
       when coming & leaving school 

**Here are a few words of wisdom:     
You've heard the saying,
       Every cloud has a silver lining.
In other words, behind every problem is something good, but sometimes
we have to take a good, hard look behind, around, and over the dark 
cloud in order to see what good might come out of a bad situation. 

William Saroyan, American author, says:
    Good people are good because they've come
    to wisdom through failure.
In other words, good people are good because they learn something
from their mistakes. They let each failure and each mistake ve an
opportunity to learn and to grow. Today, keep a positive attitude and look
for the good, even in bad situations.

With something to think about, Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.