Morning Announcements

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,

Today is Friday, October 2, 2020

Announcements for today include:

***Today is a B Day

***There is a time set aside TODAY to pick up & drop off homework from 3-6 PM. The entrance to the front door will NOT be available till then. **Please call if you can't make it during this time and make other arrangements to get your homework.

2020 Daily Holidays that fall on October 2, include:    

  • Guardian Angels Day - October 2
  • International Day of Non-Violence - October 2
  • Kid's Music Day - October 2, 2020 (First Friday in October)
  • Lee's National Denim Day - October 2, 2020 (First Friday in October)
  • National Body Language Day - October 2, 2020 (First Friday in October)
  • National Custodial Workers Day - October 2
  • National Diversity Day - October 2, 2020 (First Friday in October)
  • National Fried Scallops Day - October 2
  • National Manufacturing Day - October 2, 2020 (First Friday in October)
  • National Name Your Car Day - October 2
  • National Research Maniacs Food Day - October 2
  • Peanuts Day (Snoopy Cartoon) - October 2
  • Phileas Fogg Wager Day - October 2
  • Plaidurday - October 2, 2020 (First Friday in October)
  • World Farm Animals Day - October 2
  • World Smile Day - October 2, 2020 (First Friday in October)

***Here are a few words of wisdom:  

 Listen to the words of Brooker T. Washington:
       It makes a great deal of difference in the life of a race,
      as it does in the life of [a person] whether the world
      expects much or little of that [person] or of that race.
Mr. Washington is saying that if everyone around you expects you to fail,
you are more likely to fail., but if those around you expect you to succeed,
you are more likely to succeed. What do you think? Do you think it
makes a difference whether or not the people around you expect you to fail or to succeed?
Today, think about this: It's smart to choose friends who expect only the 
best for you. And it's good to remember that here at school we want you
to succeed and we expect you to succeed. So do your personal best because if you are doing the very best you know how to do, you're already a big success!
With something to think about, Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.