Daily Announcements for May 8, 2023

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Monday, May 8, 2023

Today is a A Day

Announcement for today include:

***Lunch for today is: Pizza Bake or Turkey Deli Sandwich

***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Brekkie or Froot Loops Cereal

***Tuesday for Lunch is: Chicken Fajitas or Max Stix

***Students: Don’t forget to get your permission slips

       signed for the CF Walk & turned in ASAP!

***In order to celebrate STAFF appreciation week, we have thought of some activities that students can do to show their support of the staff at Gresham School. 

Monday-May 8th-students can high five a teacher. As you go through the day, high five your teacher, aides, janitors, etc...show them how much you appreciate their efforts on your behalf.

Tuesday-May 9th-take a selfie with your favorite staff member. Please get their permission first. Post the selfie with some kind words about why you picked this staff member. 

Wednesday-May 10th-dress up like your favorite staff member. Take the time to dress up like your favorite teacher. 

Thursday-May 11th-THANK a staff member. Tell one of the staff members why you appreciate them. Just walk up to a staff member and tell them THANKS for whatever they do for you. 

Friday-May 12th-WRITE a note to a staff member. Tell them how much they mean to you. Tell them how much you appreciate them helping you with homework, helping them get to classes, helping them in the lunch line, helping them at recess, etc...

***Baseball is away @ Bowler @ 4:30 PM.
***Track is away vs. Multiple schools at Wittenberg @ 4:00 PM

***High school prom tickets will be available for purchase from Mrs. Osborn  until Thursday, May 18. Tickets are $10 per person. Anyone who'd like to bring a guest from another school to prom should also pick up a guest form from the office.

***Students who are not assigned to a bus route or getting on a different bus route need a phone call to the office or a written note  from their parent so the office can give you a form to hand to the Bus  Drive to allow you to ride home with another student.

***The Gresham FFA/Plant Science Class are having their Plant Sale

starting tomorrow, Saturday,8:00 a.m. @ Gresham School Greenhouse.

****Plants are also on sale at Gresham Hardware during any of

their normal business hours***

***Shawano Optimist's BIKE RODEO is Saturday May 13th from 8:30 am-10:30 am

                            Rain date is May 20th

    at Zion Lutheran Church Parking Lot: 1254 S Union St, Shawano 

                          WIN A FREE BIKE must be present to claim 

***Gresham Booster Club                          FAN OF THE YEAR    2022-2023

-Please email your nomination and a brief summary as to why

 the candidate holds the qualities of Fan of The Year- gboosterclub@gmail.com

***Here are a few words of wisdom: 

Have you ever noticed that if you pay attention in class, you're more likely

to do better on your homework assignments? And have you noticed that

when you do well on your homework, you're more likely to do better on your

report card? It's a simple idea, but we don't always stop to think about it.

This is how Oprah Winfrey says it:

               My philosophy is that doing the best at this moment puts

                you in the best place for the next moment.

Today, make every moment count. Moment by moment, choose to be your

best. It all adds up!

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.

The choice is yours.