Daily Announcements for May 17, 2023

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday to Peyton  & RandiMae 

***Lunch for today is: Beefy Hot Dog or Chicken Nuggets

***Breakfast for Thursday is: Long John or Frosted Mini Wheats

***Thursday for Lunch is: Grilled Cheese Sandwich or Orange Chicken

***Thanks to all the students that worked the blood drive yesterday.  A special thanks to all that donated blood including several of our own students and staff.  While we didn't get to our goal of 29 pints we did collect 14 pints that will help save many lives.  

***There is no HS track practice today, Wednesday.

***Students: Don’t forget to get your permission slips

signed for the CF Walk & turned in ASAP!
***The walk is tomorrow, Thursday May 18th @ 1:45 from the school

***Seniors: Exemption forms are in the office

***The Choir and Band Spring Concert is Tonight, Wednesday at 5:30pm in the        Gym.  Attendance is required for all those in band and choir.

***There will be No Homework Club tomorrow, Thursday May 18th, with 

     the Elementary Concert at 5:30 PM

***The Elementary Spring Concert is tomorrow, Thursday at 5:30pm in the Gym.              Attendance is required for all Elementary Students.

***HS winter and spring student-athletes please return reservation forms and money       to Mr. Zobeck for the Booster Club banquet to be held here at Gresham School in      the Commons next Tuesday May 23rd starting at 5:30 pm.  

    Forms are due by Thursday May 18th.

***Tomorrow is the last day to buy prom tickets from Mrs. Osborn. They are $10 per person. Tickets will not be sold at the door.

***There will be a full day on May 31st . No Early Release on the 31st of May.

***Here are a few words of wisdom: 

Author Leo Buscaglia has been called "Dr. Love" because every book he 

writes contains a message about the healing power of love. He even 

taught  a class for many years at the University of Southern California on

the subject of love. He believes that love can change lives.

Now listen to what he has to say to us about teaching love:

      . . . I believe that we are all teachers. We teach with every

          act we perform, during each waking moment of life.

If that's true, then every single one of us is teaching those around us every day.

So today, be aware of how you teach and influence others with the words 

you speak and the actions you take. Then remember Dr. Love and teach a 

little love. It's one way we can change the world - one act of love at a time.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.

The choice is yours.