Daily Announcements for February  1, 2024

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Thursday, February 1, 2024

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Lunch for today is: Pasta Bake or Corn Dog

***Breakfast for Friday is: Mini Waffles or Choice of Cereal 

***Lunch for Friday: Meatball w/mashed potatoes & gravy

***All 4th-8th grade boys basketball players there will practice

 today 3:30-5:00 pm.  Come prepared to practice.  Please return parent work forms for Saturday's tournament to Mr. Zobeck first thing this morning.

***MS Girls Basketball (A) vs.  Marion

       @ Marion Elementary Field House @4 :00 PM

***HS Lady Wildcats (H) vs. Bowler Time is @ 6:00 Varsity only.

***Attention students and staff: Today is the last day; Student Council will be taking orders for Crush soda  Sodas will be $1 each or 6 for $5. Student Council will take orders during middle and high school lunches. Sodas will be delivered by Student Council during 9th hour on Wednesday, February 14th.

 Elementary students can turn their money and order slips

 into their teachers, by today.

"There will be a High School Track meeting during the 2nd half of lunch at 12:15 today, (Thursday) in Mrs. Cerveny's room.  If you are planning on joining track this year, you must attend this meeting."  

***Mrs. Cerveny and Mr. Bosman are starting up a Running club for high schoolers started yesterday, Students will meet in Mrs. Cerveny's room at 3:30PM.  We will be running after school on M, W, and F from 3:30-4:00 and doing weight room after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:00.   Running club will go until March 4th, when track starts, then it will resume again in the summer.  

***There will be play practice this week Wednesday and Thursday after school until 4:30 and also during 9th hour Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week.  All play students who have speaking parts need to be at practice at least 2 times this week.  If you would like to participate in this year's play: Reality Stars: Greek God's Edition, please see Mrs. Koz.

*** Any FFA members interested in participating in the Hoard's Dairyman National Cow Judging contest please see Mr. Zobeck to pick up the information.  Prizes will be awarded.  Deadline to turn them in is Thursday March 14th.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:

Thomas Carlyle was a famous Scottish writer, There's an amazing story

about this man.

After completing the fist volume of his most famous book, painstakingly

produced by hand (remember, this was one hundred fifty years before

computers), he bundled up the manuscript and handed it to a good friend

to read. A few days later, the friend's servant used the manuscript to start

a fire. The book and years of hard word were destroyed.

Days later, as he sat, sad and depressed, he watched a stonemason

building a wall . . . brick by brick by brick, hour by hour. This inspired him,

and he began to rebuild his book.

All of us, at some time , experience a great loss. But, whether the loss is 

great or small, if we persevere like Thomas Carlyle, we can rewrite the 

pages of our lives. So don't give up in the face of loss and disappointment.

Remember , there's a masterpiece inside you waiting to be created or

maybe recreated.

***With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not.

     The choice is yours.