Morning Announcements

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats,

Today is Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Announcements for today include:

Today is a B Day

***Culture Club meeting today Feb, 23, at 3:00 pm in Mrs. Buettner's room

 ***Students who signed up to run the Breakfast Cart; we will be meeting

    during RTI  Today in the new cafeteria.

***Quiz Bowl has their final meet at Shiocton tomorrow, Wednesday. Students 
   must report to school by 8:10 in order to check in and get on the bus on time. 

***Breakfast for Thursday is: Pancake sausage bites

***Lunch for Thursday is: Roast Turkey Sandwich or Chef Salad

***Congratulations to the HS Boy Basketball team on their win on Friday & Saturday

      to take the Regional Championship. They move on to Sectional Semifinals 
     and play on Thursday, Feb.25, at Prentice @ 7 PM. Go Gresham Wildcats!!!

***Lady Wildcats, your uniforms and practice jerseys are due by 
      Friday, February26. Please have them in on time, 

      so that you won't have to pay the daily fine. 

***Student council will meet in Mrs. Brockman's room on Friday during 9th hour. 

    All members are expected to attend.

***Picture Retake Day is Next Thursday, March 4

***FFA Trivia: In which year was the official blue corduroy FFA Jacket introduced?

     Choices are: A. 1928, B. 1933, C. 1950 or D. 1948
Email the correct answer ONLY TO Mr. Zobeck 

The following all got the answer correct yesterday
which was Jimmy Carter as being the only US President that was an FFA member:

 Brenda , Chris , Ruben , Hunter, Emily, Kailyanna  

Let’s celebrate!


Feb. 22- 26, 2021

As part of our celebration we are having daily dress up days and…

Thursday is Dress like a Farmer

Friday is wear FFA Colors

A Pie to the Face contest!

Each morning the FFA officers will have buckets in the main hallway for coin drops! (Any change or dollar bills accepted and will be counted towards each total!) The FFA officer (or Advisor Mr. Zobeck) who gets the most coins in their bucket will receive a pie in the face!

There is also a coloring contest, and the winner of the coloring contest will be the lucky winner to throw the pie!

***Here are a few words of wisdom:
How many or you have heard the story about Hercules and the 
wagoner? It's about a man who was driving his wagon down a muddy
road, when the wheels got stuck. He called out for help, and no one
came. He called out for help again, and no one came. He kept calling out
for help, and still no one came. Finally Hercules appeared and said,
What's wrong with you? Why aren't you trying to push the wagon out of 
the mud?" Why are you just standing there calling out for help? You
cannot expect others to help you when you are not trying to help
yourself." The wagoner then put his shoulder to the wheel and pushed
his way out of the mud.
Country singer Naomi Judd says it this way:
  If you want a helping hand, first look to the end of your own arm.

Today, remember this: It's good to ask for help when you need it, but
before you do, make sure you are really trying to help yourself first.

**With something to think about,  Make it a great day....or not. The choice is yours.