Daily Announcements for September 30, 2022

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Friday, Sept 30, 2022, 

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Happy Birthday to Fynn 

      Happy Birthday on Saturday to Kailyanna 

***Lunch for today is: Popcorn Chicken Bowl or Pepperoni Pizza

      Monday for Lunch is: Cheeseburger or chicken Fajitas

***Congratulations to the 6/7th grade Volleyball team on there wins

       against Menominee.

***Congratulation to the Cross Country on their meet yesterday. Great Job!

***MS & HS Soccer practice cancelled for today, Friday September 30th

***No Homework or 10th hour Today, Friday September 30th

***HS students fill out the google form for Homecoming

***Just a reminder that school wide dress up days begin Monday. 
The dress up days are as follows:
Monday- pajama day
Tuesday- dress like Adam Sandler day
Wednesday- Country vs Country Club
Thursday- Blast from the Past
Friday- Color Wars (9th grade- pink  10th grade- green 11th grade- orange  12th grade- purple staff-yellow) Kindergarten through 8th can pick any of those colors to wear. 

***For the first time in a long time, we will be holding a Homecoming Dance for 9th-12th graders on Saturday, October 8. The dance will be from 8-11pm for high schoolers and 8th graders are invited to the dance from 8-9pm. Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from Mrs. Brockman or Cami  during lunch. Tickets are $5 per person and cannot be purchased after October 4th. Guests from other high schools are allowed to attend, but you must fill out and turn in the paperwork to the office before Friday, October 7th. 

***Reminder all class dues, fines & forms for 8th grade & HS students to participate in Homecoming Events are due today.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:
We are all guilty of making snap judgments. For example, we see
someone begging on the street, and in the time it takes to snap our
fingers, we decide that person must be too lazy to work. But what if he
or she is mentally challenged, and unable to work?
You never really know unless you take the time to get to know that
person. There's an old Jewish proverb that goes like this:
Do not judge your fellow man [or woman] until you have
stood in his [or her] place.
Maybe we can't always stand in another's place or take the time to get
to know someone, but we can do this: We can hold back our judgements,
keep an open mind, and give others the benefit of the doubt unless and
until we have reason not to.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.