Daily Announcements for January  16, 2023

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Monday, January 16, 2023

Today is a A Day

Announcement for today include:

***Lunch for today is: Italian Stromboli or Chicken Bacon Ranch on Flatbread

***Breakfast for Tuesday is: Mini Pancakes or cereal

***Tuesday for Lunch is: Chicken Nugget Basket or Italian Meatball Sub

***There will be Musical Rehearsal during 9th hour for
    all students interested in the musical.

*** MS Girls Basketball (H) vs. Bowler @  4:00 PM

***Quiz Bowl students: our meet this week is at Bonduel. We will leave at 9:15 sharp. Please meet in the commons no later than 9:10 on Wednesday. Make sure you turn in your advanced make up forms no later than tomorrow! Any questions, please see Mrs. Brockman.

***ERVING students going to the spring assembly should have received their field trip form and advanced makeup this week.  The required trip is Tuesday, January 24 and the forms are due Thursday, January 19th by 3pm.  Please return these to your ERVING teacher!  Thanks.

***Seniors: Recessional song suggestions due by Friday, January 20.  

   See your Google Classroom.

**Students please check the lost & found for hats & mittens along 

    with other items you may also have left on the bus or at school

***Here are a few words of wisdom: 
In 1995, at the Stop the Violence Conference held on Dr. Martin Luther
King Day in Houston, Texas, hundreds of young people made the following

  • I pledge: To  strive to be a builder of peace.
  • To rid violence from my ideas, my words and my behavior.
  • To walk in peace among my brothers and sisters from this, evermore .     

Today, take notice of your thoughts, words and deeds. Remember that the 
ideas you embrace, the words you choose, and the actions you take not
only shape your future, but they help shape the world around you.
With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.