Daily Announcements for January 24, 2023

Good Morning Gresham Wildcats

Today is Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Today is a B Day

Announcement for today include:

***Lunch for today is: Beef Hot dog or Pancakes w/egg bake

***Breakfast for Wednesday is: Breakfast sandwich or cereal

***Wednesday for Lunch is: Beefy Nachos w/cheese Sauces or Shrimp Poppers

***Congratulations to the All-Star Choir Members who participated in the Choir and Band Festival this past Saturday.  Jessa , Emily, Cami  and Maddie .  These girls gave up their entire Saturday to participate and did a wonderful job.  Please congratulate them when you see them today.

***Congratulations to the 5th graders on their win yesterday.

         Great effort to all the MS Basketball girls.

***HS Girls Varsity Basketball are (H) vs. Northland Lutheran @6:30 PM

         Parent's Night recognition will be @ 6:00 PM w/game to follow.

***HS boys Varsity Basketball are (A) vs. Menominee Indian @ 6:00 PM

                                                                         Bus time is 5:00 PM

***No 10th hour this week.

***MS/HS students Mrs. B. Hoffman will be checking grades on Friday

for the 10th hour/restricted list for the next quarter.

***Just on Wednesday Homework Club goes till 4:00 PM.

***Monday, Tuesday and Thursday will still go until 5:00 PM. 
***No Homework club on Friday's.

***There will be Basketball Practice for 4,5, & 6th graders today

and also on Friday from 3:30 till 5:00 PM.

***There will be a Student Council meeting in Mrs. Brockman's room

during 7th hour on Thursday. All members are expected to attend.

***Here are a few words of wisdom:  

How much patience do you have, and what difference does it take

anyway? Let's think about that. What if the first time your friend made you

angry you threw your arms up and said "Forget it!" and that was the end of the

friendship? What if the first time you stood at bat and struck out you

stomped off the field and that was the end of your baseball career? What if

the first time you hit the wrong note on your piano you said "I give up" and

that was the end of your musical ambitions? Obviously, that kind of

impatience would keep you from ever developing any skills or talents.

The Italians say it this way:

               He who has no patience has nothing at all.

Remember this: Whether you're building a relationship, a career, or a 

talent, patience is an important ingredient to success. Today, be patient

with yourself and others.

With something to think about, Make it a great day . . or not. The choice is yours.